Isep instituto superior de estudios psicológicos

Higher Institute of Psychological Studies Spain

The Instituto Superior de Estudios Pedagógicos (ISEP) is constituted as a space from which to offer teachers of different levels and modalities, a place to study and analyze collectively the challenges facing the teaching profession today.

Its management is based on the articulation of three fundamental pillars: educational policy, academic rigor and the creation of a pedagogical device that includes digital technologies and combines face-to-face and virtual classes.

It was born on the initiative of the Ministry of Education of the Province of Córdoba on April 15, 2016 when, through Decree 369/16, its creation was formalized within the framework of the General Directorate of Higher Education.

Recovering the impulse of the Education Law of the Province of Córdoba (No. 9,870), which encourages the development of institutions that promote "studies aimed at developing research, teaching and extension activities in the scientific, technological, humanistic and artistic fields" (art. 47), the ISEP reaffirms the premise that teacher training is the basis for the improvement of the quality of education.

Isep university

Is ISEP University reliable, this is one of the most frequent questions we receive from our applicants at the first contact or in their enrollment process. In order to clarify your doubts and help you make a well thought out and informed decision, in this article we tell you why ISEP University is reliable and the best alternative to continue your university studies online.

In fact, it is natural that this doubt arises when considering any product or service.    In the case of an online university that provides a service that must be measured in terms of quality, suitability, prestige and scientific and pedagogical rigor, the question is not insubstantial.

ISEP University is reliable because it supports your investment and provides academic guidance throughout your education. It's not just a matter of you paying a registration fee and then on your own consuming pre-recorded classes and established content. No. That's not online university and that's not knowledge. ISEP University assigns you a personalized tutor who will closely follow your progress and when the time comes will support you in processes such as internships and the completion of the thesis.

Isep videos

Magnum Capital has completed the acquisition of the companies CESIF, ISEP and CEEP with the aim of jointly developing a new educational group focused on health, sports and life sciences training, called Metrodora Education.

With this operation, Magnum Capital creates a leader in specialized training, with an educational offer that includes from official professional training (classroom and on-line) to higher and postgraduate studies. The group currently offers four official Professional Training degrees and a wide range of Masters, MBAs, Expert Courses and Specialization Programs, and plans to expand its offer, both on-site and on-line, in the coming months. The training areas are focused on the health and social-health fields, including, among others, nursing, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, psychology and speech therapy.

CEEP (Centro Europeo de Estudios Profesionales) is an official center for accredited vocational training focused on healthcare, administration and information technology. Founded in 1994 in Madrid, it has since trained more than 20,000 students in its programs of intermediate cycles, higher cycles and certificates of professionalism in social and health care.

Price isep

A psychologist, in 2006 she began to host the program Supernanny, where she gave guidelines to parents on the education of their children. The program became a success for 10 seasons and turned Rocío into an educational reference. This earned her the recognition of the Official College of Psychologists as well as that of Telespectators and Radio Listeners (ATR Award).

In 2009 she began to collaborate with different media. Currently you can see her in ANA ROSA'S PROGRAM VIVA LA VIDA and listen to her in ATREVETE (Cadena Dial) or GUIA DE PADRES (Hoy por hoy. Cadena SER).

She is passionate about psychology and her communication skills have earned her a place in the media as an expert. Rocío has been recognized for her work in different occasions and fields.

In 2009 she began to collaborate with different media. Currently you can see her in EL PROGRAMA DE ANA ROSA and GENTE MARAVILLOSA (Canal Sur) or listen to her in ATREVETE (Cadena Dial) or GUIA DE PADRES (Hoy por hoy. Cadena SER).

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